
  1. F

    Sensor costs for looping - advice/help

    Hi everyone, I am due a pump upgrade and my nurse wants to put me forward for a hybrid closed-loop system. I am 90% sure I want to go with the Ypsomed pump with CamAPS FX for my next pump. The funding for this would include: - the insulin pump - the consumables e.g. infusion sets - the CamAPS...
  2. P

    Pump Choice Help!

    Hi all Appreciate any advise/anecdotes that can help me choose a pump I am T1, diagnosed for 19 years (how time flies!) and after completing DAFNE last year I have now been allocated funding for a pump from my NHS trust I have been offered the choice of 3 - Ypso, T-Slim and Omnipod - and I...
  3. V

    Cost of Looping Consumables? (Pump and Sensor)

    I would like to use this looping setup: Tandem t:slim insulin pump Dexcom G6 sensors How can I find out the cost of consumables? G6 sensors t:lock cartridges VariSoft infusion sets A bit of background: I live in the US, and plan to move to London early next year. I currently use an old...
  4. Paulbreen


    Hi all I had a consultation with a new diabetic doctor today and i have to say I wish I’d met him 20 years ago, he’s T1 himself and is testing new technology constantly and was trying to convince me to start pumping again. Currently he’s using this diabeloop system and is having great success...
  5. CosmicHedgehog

    Looping? where to start?

    Hi all, does any one loop. I have a dexcom g5 and a combo pump so got the kit..and really keen to get my head around all the info and get started. Can anyone point me in the direction of the correct loop info? i've google but there's a lot out there and i don't know which one is the right one...