
  1. T

    Nighttime spikes...why? Somogyi? Protein?

    Hi all, I’m on super tight (pre-preg) control at the moment but keep having big prolonged spikes overnight (over hours and hours - I can tell from Freestyle Libre) and just can’t figure out why and correction doses don’t even seem to help! (For nights without this weird spike I only need 5 units...
  2. Northerner

    Send heavy drinkers for liver scan, GPs told

    Women who regularly drink more than three-and-a-half bottles of wine a week should get their livers checked, says new draft advice for England. For men, the threshold is five bottles of wine a week or 50 units of alcohol, says the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. The...
  3. L

    Type 2 (advanced?) - Thoughts/Advice Please

    Hello, I am contacting on behalf of my Dad, who is Type 2. He is 59 years old and his sugars are constantly 15 or more despite multiple medications and strict adherence to the diet. They were even that way after 24 hours of fasting for a gastroscopy and then again for a colonoscopy. He takes...
  4. auntiejude

    Auto-immune liver disease?

    I've had a crap year so far. I went to my GP with recurrent upset stomach in January, they diagnosed IBS and did some blood tests to rule out colitis and coeliac. And the tests came back with HbA1c of 81. Not only did I have IBS but diabetes as well. And the diet recommendations for the 2 are...