
  1. M

    Cost of people being overweight in UK now £98bn, study finds

    Estimate includes £63bn cost to people affected, £19bn cost to NHS and £15bn cost to society... Britain’s weight problem costs almost £100bn a year, analysis suggests, prompting calls for a government crackdown on unhealthy food and a drive to promote fresh ingredients...
  2. M

    Help us improve the management of type 2 diabetes in the future by completing a survey

    Hello everyone! My name is Martina Ambroz and I am researcher in the Netherlands. I am conducting a research together with the University of Exeter to better understand the willingness of people with type 2 diabetes for management with lifestyle changes and medication treatment. This would help...
  3. LilyJeffery

    Opportunity to participate in research exploring T2D lifestyle behaviours for remission (short survey) (UK-based)

    Are you living with Type 2 Diabetes, in the UK, and interested in taking part in a short research study? My name is Lily Jeffery, I am a post-graduate student at Manchester Metropolitan University, completing a MSc in Human Nutrition. I would like to invite you to take part in a short survey...
  4. E

    Opportunity to take part in UCL research

    Dear Diabetes UK members, I am a researcher from UCL's department of Behavioural Science & Health. I am looking for women (aged 18+) to take part in a Health and Lifestyle Attitudes questionnaire. The questions will relate to your diet, physical activity and general health attitudes. You can...
  5. Charlotte Cook

    Do Diabetics Have a More Acute Sense of Taste?

    Hello! Can you help me? My name is Charlotte Cook and I am a final year Food Science and Technology Student at Cardiff Metropolitan University. As the daughter of a Type 1 Diabetic, I have good knowledge and experience with the condition and as a Food Science student, I am also particularly...
  6. R

    Survey for Type 1 Diabetics

    Hi everyone, Hope all is ok. I am working on a project to help raise awareness for Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) and I would be grateful for Type 1 Diabetics to answer this survey by clicking on this link : SURVEY : It won't take more than 5 minutes and...
  7. A

    Lifestyle support for Type 2 in African & Caribbean communities

    At King's College London we are working on an NHS funded study to design a lifestyle management programme for Type 2 in African & Caribbean communities. We would like to talk to small groups of individuals with Type 2 from these communities in London during August & September. If you would like...