
  1. WallisOnline

    Cycling Team Novo Nordisk "Let's shatter the misconceptions surrounding diabetes"

    New video from Pro cycling team Novo nordisk - all riders have type 1 diabetes and compete in World Cycling Their video Team Novo Nordisk: Ride For Your L1fe is well worth a watch also, especially if you like cycling.
  2. ColinUK

    Mental health / Gratitude

    I’m not going through anything particularly at the moment but wanted to say this… It’s tough navigating the tempest that MH causes. Lots of us here know that. Also sometimes the best intentioned support feels like it’s intruding or meddling or trying to “fix” us when all we want is to be...
  3. Shaz88


    Hey All, I became type 2 diabetic over 2 years ago, it's been a journey of different medication, diet and exercise. I started as diet controlled with no advice as to what to eat, in fact no support at all, I practically begged for a dietician appointment to help which eventually I got after a...
  4. CarlG

    desperate for help 5 years in and still have no idea

    Good afternoon I wonder if anyone can help me I’m desperate for help and I can not seem to find any. I’m was diagnosed as type 1 insulin based over 5 years ago but In the last year they have found that I’m not type 1 but type 2. After having a really bad time with doctors and constants NHS and...
  5. D

    What's the hardest part of being a PWD?

    Hi All, I'm appearing on local TV tomorrow night as part of a panel show on local news. I'm going to be talking about Diabetes (I'm a T1) and one of the questions I'm due to be asked is "what's the hardest part about having Diabetes?" It's not a question I've asked myself before, I could talk...