libre malfunction

  1. T

    Libre 2 Sensors Not Working

    Hi all!! I've been using the libre sensors for a while now and haven't had a problem! Other than the unfortunately often 'try again in 10 minutes' message when I've got the worst hypo imaginable But in the past week I've had to replace my sensor 3 times!!! With each sensor I get the message...
  2. AaronH83

    Libre 2 accuracy issue, possible bad batch?

    Hi folks. So far I've had 5 Libre 2 sensors and I've had issues with 4 of them. These issues range from bad adhesive with one to 3 with accuracy issues. The Libre has been telling me I'm 2.3 with a fingerstick telling me I was 16.4. The difference was such I opened a brand new Contour Next One I...
  3. donoketty

    Libre sensor stops reading properly after encountering a low - every time!

    Hello all, long time reader, first time poster etc. Son Aged 12 has T1 and has been on Libre for about a year, generally good, some duff sensors but then just as many that last the full 14 days. We use it with MiaoMiao for CGM and it has revolutionised his care, including less sleepless nights...
  4. peter openshaw

    FreeStyle Libre

    I have used this system from soon after it`s introduction and have generally sung it`s praises. Recently however, I and my wife were involved in a serious car crash and, although we both escaped without injury, the effect of shock on my BS levels was to make them difficult to control for 2 days...