
  1. L

    Circulation problems?

    There appears to be a heaviness and weakness in my legs. I can feel the ground beneath quite expressly which I wasn't doing so before. Don't have any ulcers, sores. Am obese, over 11 stone at 5ft 1 ins. Been this size for decades without these symptoms. My diabetes is under good control and I...
  2. D

    Support stockings

    Like probably many of you, after a Doppler test I was told I had to wear these Nora Batty style support stockings, and found that whilst they did help prevent cramps in my calfs at night, they itch like mad (and aren't the most stylish thing either), so I gave up wearing them. I have been...
  3. Joana

    Legs/hips tightness(?)

    Hello. So, I've just introduced myself on the newbies group as I joined this forum earlier today. I'm diabetic type 1 and wanted to ask about something I've been experiencing over this last year that has got me really worried. I'll try to keep this as simple as I can. Essentially, about a year...