• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.


  1. S

    Unpredictable sugars !!!! Absolute mystery

    Hey all ! Background info ; type 1 diabetic of 20 years . On Lantus & Humalog . Reasonably low carb, high fibre diet in a means to stop sugar spikes that I’ve struggled with my whole diabetic life . I have been really , really trying to sort out my blood sugars in the last few months after many...
  2. T

    Morning spike in sugars

    I'm having trouble managing my morning sugar levels. I go to bed comfortably within range, and if I check my sugars while still in bed in the morning they’re also within range, but they shoot up within about 5 minutes after getting out of bed. I have tried increasing my basal dose of my insulin...
  3. pondita

    Severe hypo after Lantus

    Hi all. I had a severe hypo after injecting my Lantus last night. The first time that happened to me since my LADA diagnosis 5 months ago, and at the risk of sounding dramatic, I’m feeling this morning like I literally had a brush with death. I take 8 units of Lantus at about 10 pm daily...
  4. C

    Disney - Lantus

    Hello, Newbie here so please don't go hard on me if I mess up! In a couple of months time i'm going to Disney in Florida and have a few questions about my lantus. I take 29 units every night at 9pm on the dot but i'm a bit confused to what I will have to do when i'm away and on the first...
  5. K

    Just switched from Lantus to Levemir and I'm struggling a bit...

    Hey everyone, I was diagnosed with Type 1 in 2011 and have been on a Lantus/Novorapid up until about 3 months ago. My control has always been really tight, but after attending a recent DAFNE course, the nurse was keen on switching me over to Levemir. I think their main worry was that I am at...
  6. J


    At my last hospital checkup my hba1c was 5.6, the best I've ever had but my doc. suggested I tried moving from Lantus to Tresiba. I've not been on Tresiba for long but so far I have no control. Blood sugars jumping high to low and it's making me feel so down & frustrated! Has anybody else...
  7. W


    Hello everyone! I have had type 1 diabetes for just over 2 years now and have recently started taking "20mg citalopram" I'm not sure if the two are connected however, recently I CANT stop hypoing. It's becoming such a problem last week my bloods began at 3.6 and I drank my normal of orange juice...
  8. CosmicHedgehog


    Hi all, I am taking a pump break/holiday to help calm my mind and my poor bruised battered infusion set sites. A break has been on the cards for a while. I have them occasionally to save my sanity and to let my sites rest. What i wanted to ask was... I know Lantus makes me go hypo at night and...
  9. CosmicHedgehog

    pip code? anyone know

    Hi all, i need the pip code for the junior star sanofi (half unit lantus pen) does any one know it? i have been googling for ages and still can't find it, wondered if DUK might know. i'm having a pump holiday soon due to scar tissue but i don't have a pen for my lantus. and i'm super insulin...
  10. A

    Traveling and Lantus dose

    Hello! My name is Abi and I’m 18 years okay, been a type 1 diabetic for 6 years and in January I’m traveling to New Zealand and Australia for 2 months. I generally take my Lantus of 6 units at 8pm however am unsure as to when I should take this during my travels due to the time difference...
  11. NiVZ

    Severe drops after single unit corrections today :(

    Hello, I've not posted much lately and not one to seek advice normally however, I've had 2 big drops with single unit corrections in 24 hours that I really can't explain :( I'm 39 years old and been Type 1 for past 22 years and DAFNE course graduate. I've been taking Humalog and Lantus for a...
  12. J

    Off pump back to injections....how?

    Hi all, new to Forum but after some advice. I've been on my pump 4 months now after 25 yrs of injections. I'm going on holiday to Spain next week and after much reading up and deliberation, I've decided to go back on injections for my trip. Does anyone have any advice on how to start my jabs...
  13. O

    West Berkshire Diabetics

    Hello I've been diabetic for 20 years and 12 months ago was told I'm Type 1. Finding it hard to get my sugars under control: carb counting and using Lantus and Humalog. Anybody had a similar experience?
  14. T

    Moved to Tresiba from Lantus

    I have been using Lantus for about 8 years, never had any problems and my blood was pretty constant. I take 30units around dinner time and throughout the day / night my blood is around 4.5 / 6. I've had a couple of lows during the evening but nothing major. I have now moved on to Tresiba. I...
  15. Lauren8443

    lantus to degludec (Tresiba) ....how do I move injection times?

    Hi, I've recentLy had my long acting insulin changed to degludec from lantus as lantus wasn't lasting long enough. I usually take lantus at 7:30pm but want to start taking degludec in the morning as I was told I could. How do I change the injection time? I was on 14.5 of lantus and...
  16. Lauren8443

    Changed basal now big spikes

    Hi, I've been playing around with my basal injection and amounts over the past couple of months. I think I have it Sussed at 15.5 units before bed, and stay relatively level through the night. I have noticed that I am getting much bigger spikes after eating though???? Upto 15! Then panicking...
  17. Lauren8443

    Lantus with evening meal

    Hi, have moved lantus to 8pm when have evening meal and keep having a low just after meal and then at always high (10+) before bed. Carb ratio 1:20 at night due to the low that quickly follows dinner...Don't want to do...confused. Moved lantus to dinner time in order to try and avoid lows at...
  18. Lauren8443

    Return to lantus And lunchtime

    Hi , after 5 weeks of trailing Levemir due to night time lows with lantus, I am now back on lantus....the Levemir made me feel weird and also I was injecting loads! I am back on lantus and starting on 15.5 units as have a half unit pen for it. I have decided to take it at lunchtime around 2pm...
  19. Simon Coey

    Tuojeo and Apidra

    Hi - At my most recent review, I discussed with my consultant that I felt my control had been sliding, but that my requirement for insulin later in the day seemed to be increasing, something I hate doing given the inherent issues with weight gain etc. We decided to give it a few months and...
  20. M


    I see people posting that doing these fasts are good for insulin sensitivity and weight loss. So how would I start and what would I do with my insulin regime. Right now I'm on 24 units of lantus at night and 1:8g carb for units of humalog.