
  1. s14ali

    Have you had high ketone but blood glucose is normal regularly?

    This is very odd one. (relates to my previous post but new question) I used a blood ketone monitor for the first time (brand new), it revealed between 2.0mmol/L and 3.6mmol/L. (Very risky) I used a blood glucose monitor, it revealed between 6.0mmol/L and 8.0mmol/L (normal range) I felt fine as...
  2. s14ali

    Will ketone stay high if the blood glucose is normal?

    Hello, Firstly, I briefly saw some posts about Ketone but cannot find the answers what I need to know. My blood sugar was staying high between 9mmol/L and 11-12mmol/L for almost one week. I've increased the insulin dosage but it didn't work then it went back to normal in three days ago but I...
  3. Type1mommy

    Ketones again!!

    I have ketones in my urine again but this time only ++ (4mmol) an high blood sugar. I also have piles which are causing blood loss (don't know if it has anything to do with my blood sugars or ketones). At what point do I seek medical help? GP is closed until morning otherwise I'd call them. Is...
  4. Type1mommy

    Why don't I feel unwell?

    For the last month or so, I've consistently had blood sugar readings above 25mmol with most being above 33.3mmol. I've also been doing urine ketone tests and that shows up so dark that the colour is almost black. For some reason though, I feel fine apart from sleeping for hours and hours and...
  5. Steph Durbin-Wood

    Newly found commitment.....but feeling drained

    Hi, I'm determined to get this disease controlled, 27 years since 1st diagnosis as gestational. Then it stuck with me. Sick of it in my life to be honest, but I know I can't do much about that, so am trying a different tactic. I went on Day 1 of the T1DE course last week, and am delighted with...