
  1. T

    DKA and Type 1 diagnosis after Covid vaccine (particularly Moderna)?

    Hi everyone. This may be a long post, but my aim is to explain my situation and find out if others have experienced the same thing. I have reason to suspect my newly diagnosed Type 1 may be a result of the Moderna Covid booster vaccine I received last year and want to see if there’s pattern...
  2. Northerner

    Cannabis Use Doubles Risk for Ketoacidosis in Type 1 Diabetes

    Cannabis use appears to be associated with an increased risk for diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) among people with type 1 diabetes, new research finds. The results, from the T1D Exchange clinic registry (T1DX), were published online October 18 in Diabetes Care by Gregory L. Kinney, MPH, PhD, from...
  3. D

    Just out of hospital

    Hi all. Scary few days! Admitted with acute ketoacidosis on Sunday, thankfully home to my family tonight. Have been on type 2 pathway for 2.5 years but turns out I'm LADA. Need to get my head round insulin therapy and living as a type 1 but hoping it may actually be more straightforward than the...
  4. ChloeNelson1993

    Diabetic ketoacidosis afterwards

    Hello, I am a Type 1 and have been since 2000(aged 6). It's fair to say it's been a bumpy ride for 17 years as with all I'd imagine. I am writing for some advice on an issue I have been having after an episode of diabetic ketoacidosis back in December due to illness. Since my admission with...
  5. Sam90

    Type 1 Diabetic - new here!

    Hey, I'm a type 1 diabetic and have been for 19 years. I was diagnosed when I was 7 years old, and I am now 26. One month ago I had a really bad case of diabetic ketoacidosis, my first time, which is what made me want to start to really look after my health instead of being in denial about it...
  6. Leanne-618

    Son, 6, very recently diagnosed - Type 1

    Hi Everyone, So this will be quite a story but I'll get there eventually:- My son who is 6 (born Sep '09) has always wet the bed, always worn a pull up for bed and could wee at night anywhere between once - 5 times. Having tried to get him out of pull ups, I decided to take it up with the...
  7. L

    19 and newly diagnosed type 1

    hi everyone! Im 19 was just diagnosed after going into diabetic ketoacidosis on the 4th of February. I'm pretty sad and scared, mainly because before my diagnoses one of my biggest fears was dying in my sleep and now it's a possibility I feel very weighed down a lot of the time. I was wondering...