junk food

  1. M

    Can we have our cake and eat it? Welcome to the world of sugar elimination

    Our sugar problem could be solved by counteracting it after we’ve eaten it, as stomach ‘sponges’ and fibre-making enzymes head to market https://www.theguardian.com/society/2024/feb/24/sugar-elimination-stomach-sponge-fibre-enzymes-monch-monch The Observer Society Section article written by Zoe...
  2. M

    Cost of people being overweight in UK now £98bn, study finds

    Estimate includes £63bn cost to people affected, £19bn cost to NHS and £15bn cost to society... Britain’s weight problem costs almost £100bn a year, analysis suggests, prompting calls for a government crackdown on unhealthy food and a drive to promote fresh ingredients...
  3. bhavan.ramanathan

