itchy skin

  1. B

    Broken skin on my manhood :(

    Hi! Long time reader, first time poster. Gonna be a long one I'm afraid. I'm hoping someone can give me some guidance as trying to get hold of my Dr for an appointment is next to impossible within the next 3 weeks and even 111 had an extended wait time. I am on Metformin SR and Empagliflozin...
  2. H

    Itchyness particularly in legs

    A while ago now I lost the feeling in my toes. The musculoskeletal department I went to were baffled but someone who I know personally in real life who worked as a diabetic nurse said it could be a sign of neuropathy. They basically just said keep being as active as you can and it became just...
  3. Kirsty R

    Itchy skin

    hi I just thought I'd just post as my 5 year old is complaining of having really itchy skin, I've read that it can be caused by high blood levels. Just wondered if anyone had any experience of this and if I need to information the nurse?