insulin resistance

  1. Kirsssty

    Insulin resistance

    Hey all, I'm new here I wondered does anyone suffer insulin resistance? I'm type 1 on Fiasp and this morning I had a stressful situation which my levels rose to 18.0 and I have been struggling to get them below 14? I have taken so much insulin and nothing really changes. I'm not stressed now...
  2. O

    Insulin resistance - stress and FODMAP

    33 year old male Type 1 diabetic for 25 years. Insulin pump For the past 3 years I have been getting large levels of blood sugar spikes that seem to be worryingly unresponsive to insulin. I was also getting gastroinstestinal symptoms (dry mouth, lips and bloating) and it seems to be related to...
  3. Lovinglife


    Yesterday Freshwell GP surgery in the UK launched a wonderful Low Carb app. Not for profit. Free to download. No ads, pop ups or premium membership. It should be available globally in the next day or so. What an excellent resource especially for those new to low carb. Very well thought out...
  4. Manda

    Insulin Resistance Since Lockdown

    Hi, I have had Type 1 Diabetes for three years, I currently take NovaRapid injections for my fast acting insulin and Levemir injections for my background insulin (5 units at 10am and 10pm). I also have the Libre which monitors my blood sugars 24/7. Since we have been in lockdown in the UK I've...
  5. T

    Can sitting still cause insulin resistance?

    Hello! I find each time I go to London for an all-day meeting my sugars run a bit higher and I need correction doses. I used to think it was because of less sleep but last night I had 7 hours and it still happened. I’m wondering now if it’s from sitting down for most of the day. Is insulin more...
  6. B

    Blood insulin testing

    Hi All, I'm new to the forums. Some background info: My a1c was 60 about 5 months ago. I do not want to go on medication as I feel that it only cleans up the sugar out of my blood. The sugar (poison) is still in my body damaging my cellular structure so I have stopped putting it in (very low...
  7. H

    Dietary intervention for lean subjects with fatty liver?

    A low-carb diet can also benefit non-overweight individuals with fatty liver and can reverse insulin resistance - read the full text for free at the link below:
  8. H

    Can Diet Help Non-Obese Individuals with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)?

    A low-carb diet can also benefit non-overweight individuals with fatty liver and can reverse insulin resistance - read the full text for free at the link below:
  9. michelle_bm93

    PCOS and hyperinsulinemia

    I'm wondering if anyone can help. Apologies if this has been posted in the wrong place! I've had Type 1 for 18 years. Last year I was also diagnosed with PCOS (the lean version; I have a BMI of 19.5.) I received no advice from the GP/diabetic nurse/gynaecologist, other than 'Unless you want to...
  10. Northerner

    Diabetes researchers develop novel technique to monitor insulin resistance

    Diabetes researchers at Sweden's Karolinska Institutet have developed a novel technique that makes it possible to monitor insulin resistance in a non-invasive manner over time in mice. The new method, presented in the journal Scientific Reports, can be used to assess insulin resistance during...
  11. carbyourenthusiasm

    Contraceptive pill and high BGs

    Hi all, Haven't posted on here pretty much since my diagnosis - so hello again! I am wondering - have any women experienced BG control issues with the contraceptive pill? I am having an issue where my BG is dropping massively in my pill free week, and my insulin need the rest of the time just...