insulin adjustment

  1. A

    !Research Participants needed! Type 1 Diabetes and disordered eating/eating disorder

    Hi everyone, To take part please follow this link: My name is Rebecca and I am a trainee clinical psychologist who is doing some research with individuals with Type 1 Diabetes and struggle with or have struggled with...
  2. RAD86

    Seeking Advice on Healthcare, Support, and Insulin Sensitivity

    Hi everyone. I hope this message finds you all well. My name's Ryan, I'm a 37 year old male, and I've been living with type 1 diabetes since I was 9 years old. I live in North Manchester (Middleton specifically), and while I've been managing my condition relatively well, I've encountered some...
  3. Rae

    Am I taking NovoRapid too close to eating?

    Hi all I have a lot of questions, so apologies. I'll put my diagnostic journey in footer... My first question, because it's the one causing me most immediate grief, is whether I'm timing my NR right. Nurse told me to take it right at the start of my meal. The forum seems to advocate for 15-60...
  4. J

    Help: New TD1 & Blood Sugar Consistently >9.0mmol/L

    Hi, all. I'm a very recently diagnosed 21-year-old T1D who, since leaving the hospital with a mild case of DKA, has been struggling to get a handle on a persistently elevated blood sugar level; my average across the past six days has been 10.9mmol/L. I haven't experienced a single low, and my...
  5. Andrew04

    Type 1 and 0 support

    Hi everyone, Hope everyone is well and staying safe. I have been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes this April and ever since I embarked on a medical rollercoaster. Firstly, since I was the first one in the family to ever receive this diagnosis I had no idea what to expect. I was given an initial...
  6. Manda

    Insulin Resistance Since Lockdown

    Hi, I have had Type 1 Diabetes for three years, I currently take NovaRapid injections for my fast acting insulin and Levemir injections for my background insulin (5 units at 10am and 10pm). I also have the Libre which monitors my blood sugars 24/7. Since we have been in lockdown in the UK I've...
  7. B

    BG after meals

    Hello I am sorry to be a bother to you all today, I was wondering if anyone could help me I'm a little confused in regards to counting Carbs, ill list my issue below. Before a meal my sugars can be 7, I do my insulin 20mins before my meal, for breakfast it was porridge and a banana, it started...
  8. P

    Carb / Insulin ratio

    Over the last week I have been intensively monitoring my glucose readings and counting carbs and adjusting my bolus dose. It turns out I need a carb/insulin ratio of 1:1. Yes, one unit of insulin for every gram of carbohydrate I consume. This seems rather high? Does anyone have any idea as to...
  9. F

    Insulin before Versus after Food?

    My five year old daughter was diagnosed with Type 1, two days ago whilst on holiday. Hospital 1 gave fast acting as Insulin dose after counting the carbs of what she’d actually eaten fit breakfast/lunch etc. Hospital 2 gives fast acting insulin dose pre meal based on what food she’s been...
  10. Nadia Robertshaw

    Two insulin’s

    I’m new to insulin, only been taking it a month. Taking Levemir last thing at night. On my last hospital appointment with the diabetic nurse, she advised it’s quite likely I’m going to require another insulin injection with my food. So far taking metformin twice a day, and a dose of insulin...
  11. Amity Island

    What's your strategy? when basal insulin insuficient

    Hi Everyone, As some of you know, i'm struggling to get any decent advice from the DSN, could anybody give their take on the situation where you are taking (basically a very difficult insulin to adjust TRESIBA only adjust 3-4 days apart) and you need to take extra short acting insulin to make...