infusion set

  1. matthewthomas

    infusion sets

    hi all. when i first got my pump (medtronic 780g) i was given minimed mio advance. every time i inserted them it hurt to the point i had to use the supply of the míos they gave me incase i couldn’t get my order in time. i know the mio’s are not being used anymore and their prolly giving out the...
  2. matthewthomas

    bent cannula??

    hi all. i recently changed my infusion set and reservoir with the minimed mio. i usually use mio advance but i’m running low on them and have no idea when next order will come so trying to save them. everything went fine until i inserted it. this one really hurt and hurt for about 5 mins after...
  3. D

    Unused pump supplies

    Hello all - first time here. Quick query, I am soon to upgrade my insulin pump. As a result of this I have several boxes of Soft Release infusion sets and syringes for use with Dana RS pump, in date and sealed. Could anyone use these? Happy to donate as feel horrible throwing them away. I...
  4. R

    What is happening when a set goes bad

    i was just wondering what has actually happened to a set when it fails in these circumstances: unexplained high readings which resist corrections. It normally takes me a few hours to realise what is going on, I never get an occlusion warning, and since my levels don't go off the scale, I think...