increasing insulin for illness

  1. W

    Impact of bad cold on sugars?

    I'm just at tail end of an awful cold and although feeling much better (aside from a chesty cough) my blood sugars are still way higher than normal. I'm a well controlled LADA sufferer. Anyone else experienced a lag in sugars normalising post illness? I've upped my lantus etc but is a challenge...
  2. Lanny

    Increasing isulin when ill: basal vs bolus?

    I’m a bit under the weather at the moment with a cold! I’m wondering if it’s better to increase basal insulin or bolus insulin for each meal? I’m on one basal insulin of Levemir a day at lunchtime! I have 3 bolus insulin of Novorapid with meals:- 6, 4 & 4. The last few times I had illness, or...