
  1. Diabetes UK

    Help recruit Diabetes UK Clinical Champions

    Last year, we conducted research on the Future of Diabetes, to which many of you gave your contribution. Some of the biggest bits of feedback we got were around improving healthcare professionals. You can play a role in doing this through joining the Diabetes UK Clinical Champion review panel...
  2. Diabetes UK

    Patient Involvement Event - Oxfordshire CCG

    Diabetes UK is working with Oxfordshire CCG, to help transform the care that people living with diabetes receive across the county. We know that people have different experiences of care and that there is room to improve the outcomes for people living with diabetes in Oxfordshire. But as the...
  3. S

    Tiredness...Help Please

    Hello! I have been Diabetic for over 12 years now and my sugar control has dramatically improved since going on an insulin pump last year. This is great and I thought it would reduce my daily tiredness battle.... but it hasn't and I feel lethargic throughout the day on a regular basis. I have...
  4. K

    Improving HBA1c but worried about retinopathy

    Hi, I'm new to the forum but really could use some help. I've had Type 1 for 25 years with varying control. I've been trying to improve control for pregnancy for the last 6 years with not much success but gave up work at xmas in order to give it one last try. At xmas my HBA1c was 103 but...
  5. Chris Hobson

    How unusual am I?

    I asked this question as a sort of aside on a post about my dealings with the DVLA. I'm posting this question on the sporty forum because I think that it is the most likely place to find a positive answer. I discovered that I was diabetic in May 2013 at the age of 54 after being admitted to...