• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.


  1. robert@fm

    Church bans yoga — because it's "non-Christian"

    http://metro.co.uk/2017/05/10/church-bans-yoga-from-premises-because-its-non-christian-6628811/ :rolleyes: And the comments include at least two (both American, presumably mentalfundalist) which support the ban because yoga is "pagan". :rolleyes: The more idiotic of the two admits that it's...
  2. robert@fm

    Whatever happened to "informed consent"?

    Last Thursday at my dialysis clinic, I was told (without any advance hint whateve that this might happen) that my dialysis slot (which up to then had been midday) had been moved to early morning as from the next session (Saturday), and I was to be ready to be collected at 5am{:eek:}! :rolleyes...
  3. robert@fm

    The ultimate sugar idiocy?

    Because I have been suffering for the past two days from a bad stomach upset, and I suspect that this was caused by my re-use of a 250ml Tesco Diet Cola bottle which had previously been filled with 7-Up Cherry, which was then drank and the bottle left empty for several weeks/months; I have thus...
  4. robert@fm

    Do they have any right to do this?

    This morning, having been woken up by my carer, she told me that she had been told to "make sure I took my insulin shot" (this being 9:45, three hours earlier than I customarily take my first shot of the day). I tried to tell her that I usually take my shot at around lunchtime, but she wouldn't...
  5. robert@fm

    Why is there so much sugar in some savoury foods?

    Article. :rolleyes: Of course, as usual the real question is, why is there so much emphasis on the red herring of "sugar", especially the "natural" vs. "added" sugar nonsense, when it's total carbohydrates (of which sugar is just one) that matter? :eek::rolleyes::confused:
  6. robert@fm

    Six everyday things with more sugar than Dolmio lasagne sauce

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/36054494/six-everyday-things-with-more-sugar-than-dolmio-lasagne-sauce Perhaps not surprisingly, it contains the usual nonsense: No, it isn't. As has often been pointed out on these forums, the human body makes no distinction between "natural" and "added"...
  7. AlisonM


    There's a young lady out there who is tired all the time, thirsty all the time and an Olympic class pee-er. We (me and A N Other) cannot convince her to either see her GP or pop into Boots/Lloyds for a quick test. She thinks she's invincible and it can't be anything serious, in spite of having...