
  1. S

    Go from High to Low

    about 8 years ago I was told I had type 2 diabetes this based on mainly high blood sugar readings this from a HB1AC, I was subsequently put on Metformin. At this time I weighed over 21 stone. Subsequent HB1AC's suggested it was well controlled. About 5 years ago I lost a lot of weight very...
  2. T

    32 years and still need help!!

    Hey guys and gals, Been type 1 for over 30 years but recently I've been having some issues at night, well more early morning! So over the past week or so I have been woken up around 4/5am by my dexcom alarm going off for a hypo alert. The only way I've been able to stop this is to bump up my...
  3. MandyAlex

    Recent diagnosis of Type 3 ‘Secondary’ D. Struggling with Persistent Hypo’s.

    Hi. I’m a brand new member currently completely floored by persistent hypo’s, which I’m finding more than a bit scarey. Had half my pancreas removed last December due to a secondary cancer. Have felt gradually more and more unwell since the op and am finding now that no matter what I do (eg by...