
  1. C

    Backwards Hypo/Hyper Feelings

    Hi all, I joined specifically to ask this question. Lately I've been feeling as if my bloods are low; achy, tired, adrenaline rises, all that jazz, but when I check my bloods they're normal/high. I think the weirdest was a level of 16mmol, but I was sweaty and weak. Obviously when I Google...
  2. F

    Tired of finger pricking

    I thought I could get used to having to prick my finger (several times a day) to measure my glucose levels but this is honestly very frustrating. I hate the feeling and it makes me feel so helpless. I started researching some ways for measuring my glucose levels without a finger prick. For me...
  3. Walnutwhip2

    Hi I’m another newbie (steroid injections HELP)

    Has anyone had a weird feeling with an awful headache after having a steroid injection? I had 2 today one in each wrist due to RA, the headache is so bad it’s effecting my sensitivity to light & noise. I think it may be an hyper, what can I do to stop it? Any ideas would be very gratefully...
  4. EleanorDip95

    Recently diagnosed type one needing answers please!

    Hello, Apologies for long winded post. I was diagnosed as a type one diabetic on the 31/1/17. Started on Novorapid 7 units at mealtimes and 22 units Lantus background at night (2100hrs). Diagnosed as "diabetic" November 2016 but due to nurse doing wrong blood test I didn't find out my...
  5. llinos owen


    Hi, My name is Llinos. I live in Wales and I'm type 1 diabetic and was diagnosed in 2012 when I was 15 years old. I am a student studying health and social care with sociology and i'm a keen rugby and netball player. I am on a low-carb diet and I'm currently using Apidra solostar and Lantus...
  6. Sprogladite

    Continuous spikes after breakfast

    Hi all, I have been T1 for 21 years and have struggled in the past to keep my sugars under control. Over the last 2 years my control has improved a lot (hba1c has gone for 248 to 139). However, one thing that has never improved is the fact that after eating breakfast (plain cornflakes) I will...
  7. Type1mommy

    Over 33.3mmol AGAIN!!

    I'm seeing my gp in regards to my diabetes in the morning. Shall I wait it out or visit a&e once again? My baby is fast asleep in his cot so could do with staying home in all honestly. Ketones are only 2+ so that's not too bad. Would I be okay to wait until the morning?
  8. Type1mommy

    Ketones again!!

    I have ketones in my urine again but this time only ++ (4mmol) an high blood sugar. I also have piles which are causing blood loss (don't know if it has anything to do with my blood sugars or ketones). At what point do I seek medical help? GP is closed until morning otherwise I'd call them. Is...