
  1. S

    Post hyper libre2 temporary fail

    hello! I’m about 2 months into my Type 2 journey. Seeking to control with food intake changes alone. My HBA1C at diagnosis were 51 and 49 two weeks later. Having being finger pricking 7 times a day (before meal/2hrs after + bedtime) I finally got the confidence to try a freestyle libre. I’m one...
  2. R

    Brain Fog - High for a long time now more normal ranges

    Hi there, Does anyone know if experiencing fatigue and brain fog is normal if you've had high blood sugar for a prolonged (months/weeks) hyper and then return to more normal levels? I wasn't aware I was so out of range but was made aware during latest tests and have taken steps to correct this...
  3. tomcamish

    Pins and Needles

    Hi All, I woke up this morning on 16 (not sure why) and with pins and needles in my thumb and forefinger on one hand - partly through being high and partly through sleeping on it (judging by the imprint lines on my arm). It's not gone away at all - anyone got any tips on getting rid of it...
  4. PhoebeC

    Coughing none stop

    Alarm set for 6am and I am still awake. Had the dreaded lurgy all week coughing, sneezing and sore throat. Been in bed or lazing about all weekend :( husband has it too. Blood sugars all over the shop which is not helping. Can’t spot the hypos as most of the symptoms are masked by this...
  5. L

    Hypers and hypos.

    Needing some knowledge on these matters. Under a lot of stress here, so tend to rest during the daytime, on and off, and use the night time, quieter then, to make some progress in my life. Been feeling quite lethargic, exhausted really, for some time now, really slowing me down, thirsty...
  6. L

    Unexplained Highs

    Hi all! Im new here, but have been Type 1 for 8 years ish. Im on Levemir and Novorapid and recently I've noticed some crazy high sugar levels that I cant explain. Im usually around 6 when I leave work but by the time ive walked maybe 5 mins and got on the tube for an hour my levels are at 18!! I...