
  1. D

    Honeymoon Period & Low BG - Type 1

    I am a recent Type 1 diagnosis and in the Honeymoon Period. I currently take no Bolus or Basal injections and experience very few highs (>10). The downside is that I keep going low (<3.9) even when I have been at 9.0+. If I exercise to any extent it accelerates the drop and I can end up in a...
  2. Andra Gabriela

    Second honeymoon?

    Hello everyone, Hope you are all well. I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes a little over a year ago but I feel like I still have so much to learn. I am going through a bit of a weird diabetic situation and was wondering if anyone else went through it: a few months after starting my insulin...
  3. R

    Advice about illness please

    Hi This is my first time on the forum and I'm new to all this but here goes.. My son, who is 12, was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 5 months ago. We have been managing pretty well so far but just recently he is spending a lot of time in the medical room and hence missing a lot of lessons at...
  4. Gary_T1_2017

    Really worried and Confused - Honeymoon Period Injections

    Hi Everyone, Hope you're all doing ok. I've been really worried and confused the past month as think I've started my honeymoon period as my bloods have been fairly normal even when I've not taken insulin after a carby meal as a test. Feel like I'm going crazy and getting scared to inject/count...