high sugars

  1. P


    Hi, I am 41, living in London and have Type 2 Diabetes. I was diagnosed a few years ago but have had my medication increased past few months. Am here to participate, learn from the community and hopefully also contribute.
  2. I

    First pregnancy, worrying about highs!

    Hi all, I'm 8 weeks tomorrow and SO HAPPY to be pregnant but it is hardly a walk in the park. My preconception HbA1c was 6.5 which I was super happy about, but in the last week I've had two pump fails (Omnipod, Novorapid) and then last night I went for a Christmas meal with friends and just...
  3. T

    Mood swings

    Hello, My husband has type I since childhood, he's in his early forties now. We have been together for 6 years and have a gorgeous two year old. Increasingly, my partner's mood swings are more noticeable. Particularly when his sugar is a bit high (between 9 and 15) he can become rude and with a...
  4. L

    Type 2 (advanced?) - Thoughts/Advice Please

    Hello, I am contacting on behalf of my Dad, who is Type 2. He is 59 years old and his sugars are constantly 15 or more despite multiple medications and strict adherence to the diet. They were even that way after 24 hours of fasting for a gastroscopy and then again for a colonoscopy. He takes...
  5. J

    Unable to lower blood sugars?

    jinty New Member Type of Diabetes: Type 1 Hi, am recently new to forum though not to diabetes type 1. 40 years last July. Anyway don't know if this is place for a question but been having constantly high sugars 25/30 for last 3 days. No ketone, no temp, infection nothing unusual. Sugars...