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high glucose

  1. T

    KETONES & FLU ! New lessons learnt

    Hi all, Merry Christmas! Hope everyone is having a fabulous time this festive season. ( Type 1 diabetic for reference ) In usual style, I fell ill last week ( always do in the run up to Christmas Day ). It started with feeling run down and a bit of a sore throat, so I got an early night...
  2. Kirsssty

    Constant high glucose - fiasp/tresiba

    Hi guys, I'll try to keep it simple and descriptive as poss. Really need some advice or some tips if anyone has any please! I'm currently on fiasp for my bolus, ratio 1:1 all day and I'm on 27 units of Tresiba for my basal which I take at 7am. I find when I take fiasp if my levels are above 11...