• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

high blood sugar

  1. R

    Non diabetic high blood sugars

    Hi Some years ago I was told I had pre-diabetes so purchased a blood glucose monitor, I didn’t get any unusual results at the time so stopped checking, the last check I did check must be 1-2years ago and it was ok. Recently over the last 2 weeks I’ve been feeling crappy due to having a cold/flu...
  2. Kirsssty

    Fatty foods/takeaways

    Someone please help me I am losing my mind. I'm currently on MDI but been approved for an insulin pump (hooray), I'm on fiasp and tresiba. Without fail I can never eat a Chinese, McDonald's or any takeaway in that matter without having awful high glucose in the night at bed time. I have tried...
  3. C

    Why is my blood sugar not going down?

    Hi all, I’ve been tracking my blood sugar daily & have had the following results: Monday: 9.5 Tuesday: 9.2 Wednesday: 8.9 Today: 9.1 My diet has been excellent, I have cut out all processed sugar & have done much more exercise than usual with yesterday doing almost 10k steps The...
  4. matthewthomas

    high bg’s

    hi this is maybe a weird question to ask, but i’ve had blood sugars in the 30’s (almost 600 mg/dl) for hours now and i have some ketones. highest they’ve been today is 2.3 on a blood ketone meter. my question is, how likely is it to go into a diabetic coma? i’m getting worried about it cause...
  5. F

    Sky high sugars first thing in the morning

    Hi everyone I’m new here, my partner is type 1 and has been for many years. He recently started with the liber device. Since having this rapid monitoring system we have noticed sugars climbing high about 9am in the morning (every morning) and continuing up steadily. Even though he has had...
  6. Pabbiel

    Advice needed.

    Hi, I’ve been pre-diabetic for a few years now, managed to lose a little weight but it’s been difficult due to disability and mobility. Because of this I have been keeping an eye on my blood sugar every few months. This week I done a fasting blood glucose test and the reading was 7.2, I thought...
  7. razumova1979

    High blood struggles ☹️

    Hey! It’s nice to post here again. Basically, I have a hard time not giving myself a hard time with high bloods. I have some questions and general concerns I want to get off my chest. 1) Last diabetes appointment my HbA1C level was 42 mmol/mol. The doctor was really happy about it and so was...
  8. Z

    Type 1 diabetic and vegan.. anyone else?

    Hello! New member here :) I've been type 1 diabetic since 2008 and vegan for 4 years. Initially going vegan helped my blood sugar control immensely - eating more plant based foods.. etc But lately my sugars have been out of whack, without my diet changing.. not great! Are there any vegans...
  9. M

    Odd blood sugar behaviour

    Hello! First thing's first, I'm not diabetic, only the boyfriend of a lovely young woman whose got diabetes. I've been trying to help her as much as I can with her management (counting carbs, keeping an eye on her blood sugars, and even starting to read think like a pancreas, which I highly...
  10. Hobbit

    Unexpected spike in blood sugar - could it be my medication?

    I am on insulin (Novorapid + Levemir) and my diabetes is well controlled. Two weeks ago I was prescribed 5mg Amlodipine daily to bring my blood pressure back to normal. I've suffered no obvious side effects, and it appeared to have no effect on my diabetes. Today I took my reading as normal...
  11. A

    Advice needed for T1

    Heya. I’m 28 years old, work full time and have been a T1 now for 12years. I have always been on novorapid as my fast acting and recently changed to Levimer as my long acting. However, this past 3 weeks I have been experiencing high BMs of 16 and above. Sometimes I have ketones, and sometimes I...
  12. S

    High blood sugars before eating

    Don’t understand what’s going on! My sugar levels are high before I’ve eaten something and then when I test after I’ve eaten (after 1.5hours what my midwife says) they are in normal range. Only thing I can think of is that I have coffee (decaf) inbetween my meals so would that make it higher? I...
  13. G

    High Reading

    I have been having trouble controlling my diabetes so as of Sunday I started Humulin M3. The thing is the readings have become higher and just before lunch was 28.3. Does the insulin take a while to work? Should I be phoning someone up to tell them? Any advice would be great thanks Paula
  14. carbyourenthusiasm

    Hangover and high blood sugar

    Hi there, I went to a wedding on Saturday and got very drunk on wine (silly me!). During the night straight after drinking I had a hypo, which is pretty typical. However, the last couple of times I have had too much to drink (does not happen regularly), for a day or two after, my sugar levels...
  15. Lauren8443


    Is anyone having any problems with FIASP batch HS66L89? Or any degludec/tresiba batched at the moment? X
  16. Amity Island

    Reducing high blood sugars

    Hi Everyone, Could I ask, if you have a raised blood sugar before your next meal how do you deal with it. A or B or do you have another method? A. Take insulin as you would normally plus an extra correction. B. Take insulin as you would normally plus extra correction, but wait (i'm using a...
  17. I

    Spiking blood sugars when TTC

    Hi all, Very new here so thanks in advance for your support. I'm Type 1, diagnosed in 2002, now aged 30. My partner and I are trying for our first baby. I have been using the omnipod patch pump system since December and have seen a dramatic improvement in my sugars (HbA1c has come down from 64...
  18. K

    Very high morning blood sugar

    Hello everyone This is my first time posting on here so apologies if I get anything wrong.. I'm type 1 diabetic and every morning for about 2 years my blood sugar is above 20. I've tried splitting my levemir dose, increasing and decreasing, have been put on metformin.. everything! My diabetic...
  19. Lanny

    Tastebuds changing with blood sugar levels.

    This has happened to me 3 times, over my 17 years of diabetes, & I’m wondering is it just me or has this happened to anyone else? My tastes buds seem to slowly stop working when I’ve gone through periods of sustained high blood sugars, for whatever reason; prolonged illness. It happens slowly...
  20. L

    Help! Feeling hopeless.

    Hi all, I got diagnosed with type 1 back in April 2016, since then I have got 'lost' in the system and never really had a good support group. I have struggled with it ever since and every kind of help I have reached out to, just faded out. I still don't know how insulin works and how to carb...