help #normal

  1. Lady_Serenity

    Aftermath of a High Sugar Day

    I had a high sugar day yesterday due to a family birthday party. I was trying to be good what I ate and drank, but it was more than my normal amount. Today I feel sick and just want to sleep. I have no energy and feel like I have ran in to a brick wall. Apart from a lot of carbs, I had one...
  2. L

    Winter & exercise

    Hi everyone, I have a question about whether this happens to anyone else. For the first time last year and again this year, as soon as it gets to winter, I start getting very sudden and very unpleasant blood sugar drops even when I am walking for a really short period of time, even less than 5...
  3. N


    Check blood this morning. 14.1 check again after lunch 17.4. I had a sandwich cheese on wholegrain. A glass of half sugar juice. Is that reading normal?