help me

  1. S

    Help needed

    I'm reasonably new to type 2 diabetes and my blood sugars have gone up. My test this morning is only 8.9 but should I be worried. They are bouncing up and down. Up ad high as 16.7 in the day and down to 8's in a morning. What am I doing wrong. I am under a while lot of stress at the minute and...
  2. J

    Arranging A1C Test

    I (M, 21) was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 2.5 months ago, with no follow-up from the hospital. I was given my medication and some leaflets. Will the NHS make an appt for my first A1C test and communicate the details via letter? I understand that the NHS has been instructed to pare down...
  3. Stuey Rob


    Hi, Can cough and chesty cough syrup/medicine raise your blood sugar levels? Does anyone no of any sugar free alternatives?
  4. B

    I think I have diabetes and Im worried

    I went to the doctor worried I might have diabetes or some form of it about 3 years ago and she sent me home with a blood testing kit and I had to record my bloods for a week. She read over them and said they were a little bit off but they were ok and nothing else was done about it I have...
  5. Kate Mc

    Diabulimia, I can't break this habit

    I'e been diagnosed for 25 years. I've been struggling for 25 years. I know what I'm supposed to do AND how to do it. I feel ashamed and anxious most of the time. I admit that I put my head in the sand and I'm rubbish with appintments. I use insulin, or rather I don't use insulin to help me...