heart problems

  1. Samantha1987

    Weighed myself and heart rate

    120 bpm
  2. Diabetes UK

    Behind the headlines: Type 1 diabetes and heart disease

    – by Emily Burns You might have seen the headlines today linking an early diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes to a higher risk of heart disease and a shorter life. We know these stories can be scary. And while they shine an important light on how serious diabetes is, we want you to have the facts...
  3. Chris Hobson

    Slightly troubling news.

    I've started the New Year by gently starting to build up my fitness work in order to prepare for my 'A' race, the Lakesman 140.6 Triathlon on June 17th. Unfortunately I have been suffering a feeling of partially blacking out, sort of like the feeling you get if you stand up too quickly and all...