hba1c readings

  1. M

    Time to say hello

    Hello. I have read the posts for over two years and thought it was time to say hello. I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in November 2021 after three blood tests, with the last one being a fasting test. I was called by the receptionist at the surgery advising me I needed a telephone...
  2. M

    Problems, confused now

    Hi guys, I was diagnosed over 10 years ago with T2, started on diet & exercise, then went on metformin one a day, became seriously unwell (not diabetes related) was increased to 3 a day. After a while started to get tummy problems with metformin so I was taken off it completely and went back to...
  3. MAC2020

    Numbers, numbers, numbers...

    Saturday 15th August 2020, 7:37pm I've had recent HbA1c result on Wednesday 12th August. Given that my last reading in Feb 2019 was 42 and what with lockdown and everything else going on I was rather nervous that my number would be worse than the last time 18 months ago, but I also secretly...
  4. L

    Rise in Hba1c results

    Hello, Happy New Year to you all. I have recently been diagnosed as pre diabetic (type 2) and have been attending a support group since October 2019. My Hba1c result in August 2019 was 45 and since then I have been eating more healthily, lost weight and been doing regular, daily exercise. I...
  5. Martin9

    HbA1c ..good news

    Just had my telephone call from GP Practice Nurse to inform me of my recent HbA1c test result, I was a bit worried about this as I had reduced my Metformin to 2 x daily from 3 x daily. I needn’t have worried it’s the same as last time it’s at 32 m.mol/ mol. Pleased...:rolleyes::rolleyes:
  6. G

    HbA1c of 28, is that a problem

    i had my annual review today and was told my HbA1c is 28 and was told by the practice nurse I had to immediately stop taking all my insulin. Strange thing, I had checked my test results and the GP had written it was normal and NFA so I did not worry, but my practice nurse was concerned and had...
  7. Martin9

    HbA1c test today.

    Hi all I go for an HbA1c test later this morning after cutting my Metformin from 1500 mg daily to 1000mg daily, and I’m strangely nervous about the result. I have had good control over my diabetes over the past year with scores never over 35 so should be ok, but can’t help wondering what effect...
  8. Nick Cliff

    Diagnosed Type 2 10 years ago now facing increased HbA1c

    I am an atypical Type 2 in that I have never had a weight problem. Since diagnosis in 2009 have been able to control my condition by diet and exercise - so no medication. My HbA1c was 53 when diagnosed, and has held stable at 50 or below mostly since. Recently, however I've had a 57 and a 56...
  9. Martin9

    HbA1c result

    ;) Hi all Just received my results of recent HbA1c blood test,very pleased to say it’s at 32 mmol/mol and Diabetic Nurse is reducing my Metformin to 2 x 500mg daily. Quite pleased at the result...!
  10. Ralph-YK

    Surprise HbA1c

    I was at the GP practice yesterday for something completely non diabetes related. By chance they mentioned a number. Turns out they'd sneaked a HbA1c test past me last November, and the result was 57. Up from 46-48 I'd been at before.
  11. B

    8 week blood sugar diet

    A little over a year ago I was diagnosed with Type diabetes. Shortly afterwards I came across Michael Moseley's 8 week blood sugar diet and for the last 12 months nearly all of my meals have come from the 8 week blood sugar diet recipe book. During this period my weight has fallen from 18...