gp treatment

  1. S

    Diabetes GP or Diabetologists

    Hello Everyone, I am new to UK and wanted to get some help around how NHS and private health insurance works. 1] Do we get Diabetologist or only GP? 2] Do we get Dietician? 3] Do we get Health coach? Please guide me..
  2. ColinUK

    Bit of a shock

    Went to see the GP today and as he was filling out a prescription for something he commented that it’d be fine with my diabetes. “What diabetes?” “You’ve been diabetic since 2014.” “Why hasn’t anyone told me?” “No comment.” That was three hours ago. Appointment booked for a couple of weeks to...
  3. I

    My GP insists I do not have diabetes and will not treat me.

    I am getting very worried due to my GP's dismissive attitude to my health. I have Lupus, Fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, weak bones and high blood pressure amongst other things. Two years ago a stand-in Rheumatologist told me he was worried about my high sugar readings and that I had to...