glucose meter

  1. J

    Looking for tech advise please!

    Hi all. Hoping you might be able to direct me to some useful info please, regarding blood glucose monitors and any apps that could help manage diabetes. A quick intro husband was diagnosed with diabetes 15 years ago, but doesn’t manage it very well at all. He’s been on insulin for about...
  2. I

    Accu Chek Performa Nano

    Hi All. I have just been given this machine and finger pricker to keep a check on my blood glucose. The instruction manual says that the data can be transferred to a computer using the IR port, I have not seen one of those on either a laptop or desktop for years. Does anyone know or can...
  3. J

    Type 1 diabetics wanted! Short survey on the effects of different glucose monitoring systems.

    Hello everyone, I am a fellow Type 1 Diabetic and I am looking for other Type 1 Diabetics to take part in a short 10 minute survey. I have decided to focus my final year project on the differences in psychological well-being and quality of life in Type 1 diabetics depending on which monitoring...
  4. W

    Easy to use glucose meter

    My mother-in-law (aged 87) is having difficulty using her glucose meter. Specifically, the test strips are too small, they require very accuirate blood drop placement which she cannot manage, the dock they go into much too small and difficult for her to 'hit. I want to suggest a replacement that...
  5. Highlander

    Gliclazide and testing

    Evening all, my wife, who is also Type 2 and taking Gliclazide was told she did not need to test, this was about a year ago. Then one of her friends, also type 2, said her GP had told her that all type 2 people on Gliclazide should test regularly to avoid hypos. So today, my wife goes for her...
  6. K

    CORNWALL glucose meters?

    Hi all, I'm doing some research into what meter readers are being used in Cornwall.....specifically the Hayle, Camborne and St Ives areas..? I currently use an Acucheck system and have used that brand for years. It's easy to use, it suits me! However, I have new local diabetic nurse who is...