future of diabetes

  1. Diabetes UK

    Patient Involvement Event - Oxfordshire CCG

    Diabetes UK is working with Oxfordshire CCG, to help transform the care that people living with diabetes receive across the county. We know that people have different experiences of care and that there is room to improve the outcomes for people living with diabetes in Oxfordshire. But as the...
  2. Stefan Diabetes UK

    Diabetes and emotional well-being: your experience

    You might remember a few months ago many of you told us about what living with diabetes means to you, in a couple of 'Future of Diabetes' online chats. You're answers were incredibly useful, and we used them and your survey responses to produce our Future of Diabetes report, which is coming out...
  3. Stefan Diabetes UK

    How will having diabetes be different in 10 years time?

    And here we are: the last of our weekly questions on what it's like to live with diabetes. All your answers are helping us build our new 'Future of Diabetes' report, so it makes sense that our last question is... How do you think it will be different to have diabetes in ten years’ time? We...