
  1. L

    New diagosis of type 2 any help appreciated.

    Hello everyone, I am a 34 year old female diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 3 weeks ago. I have a few questions and are hoping some of you lovely people can help. Il start by saying that I was initially shocked and extremely upset about my diagnosis, but to any new members I can already say I...
  2. E

    I think I have diabetic gastroparesis

    I have not been well the past couple of months. I’ve had ambulance trips and hospital admissions that I have really found difficult emotionally. I’m so anxious that something is wrong and it’s so hard to get a face to face doctors appointment at my GP due to corona. I am scared for my health. I...
  3. E

    Opportunity to take part in UCL research

    Dear Diabetes UK members, I am a researcher from UCL's department of Behavioural Science & Health. I am looking for women (aged 18+) to take part in a Health and Lifestyle Attitudes questionnaire. The questions will relate to your diet, physical activity and general health attitudes. You can...