feeling sick

  1. lozboz25

    High Temperature - Sick days

    Hello I am just looking for a little bit of advice. My son (7 years old) has a high temperature of 38 and doesn't feel well. His blood sugars have been ok, but I've just checked him now and his bloods are 7.2mmol and his ketones are 0.4mmol. I know at the moment not to worry and to just keep...
  2. rustfitzy

    Daughter always feels sick, not just hypos

    Hi all My 9 year old was diagnosed a month ago and she feels sick a lot of the time - not just with hypos. This has been going on a while. We check her when she feels sick (5-6 times a day) and over the weekend her BG was in a good place (6, 7 or 8 etc) but she was still feeling sick to often...