
  1. F

    Fasted blood sugar levels and dehydration?

    Hello, hoping someone can advise? I am prediabetic and on the week 6 of 8 week blood sugar diet. It’s going well, I have lost over a stone but am very thirsty and dehydrated generally until lunchtime (drinking lots of pints of water). When I wake I am dehydrated, when I get up in the night I am...
  2. Pabbiel

    Advice needed.

    Hi, I’ve been pre-diabetic for a few years now, managed to lose a little weight but it’s been difficult due to disability and mobility. Because of this I have been keeping an eye on my blood sugar every few months. This week I done a fasting blood glucose test and the reading was 7.2, I thought...
  3. C

    Trouble interpreting my data!

    Hi there: first time on a health forum. I want to reverse type 2, through mainly diet, and doing more exercise. So I was pre-diabetic for a few years and ignored it. Went to a couple of the NHS group sessions and found them patronising and fell asleep!Just before lockdown my HPA1C measure went...
  4. ColinUK

    Intermittent fasting - 5:2 etc.

    Just rewatched the Horizon episode with Michael Moseley exploring intermittent fasting (it’s the one that led to his publication of the 5:2 diet) and I’m curious if anyone has followed any of the IF protocols and has good results. He tries extended fasts (4 days with just water, black teas...
  5. Martin9

    24 hr fast..

    2:45pm... I'm on my first 24 hr fast today finishes at 5pm, getting tough now, I admit to having a cup tea early this morning, but nothing but water since, now I'm HUNGRY :confused:.. I see some people say it's not bad but coulda fooled me.. hope can see some results either through lower...
  6. Martin9

    Fasting..type 2

    Morning all :) Been reading about using intermittent fasting in an attempt to naturally empty the sugar from our body (type2). and reduce both the amount of insulin and insulin resistance. This would obviously be done with agreement from GP, perhaps suspension of any glucose lowering medication...
  7. Jock Coats

    Dawn phenomon - first thing to go?

    I kind of hesitate to put this in the "weight loss" board because to me the Newcastle/8-wee blood sugar diet is not about *absolute* weight loss as it is about specifically getting rid of fat in the liver and pancreas to stimulate insulin tolerance and production, but I've been doing it was...
  8. H

    Fasting glucose tests

    Hi, I am new here and have a few questions. I have not been diagnosed with diabetes but I have had 2 blood tests which showed raised blood sugar 7 and 6.3 respectively. I have to have another test on Monday and I am really worried. Should I be concerned? Many thanks, Hannah
  9. Diabetes UK

    A different approach to Ramadan

    Jasmine Chowdhury reflects on the act of religious fasting during Ramadan, its challenges and objectives:
  10. M


    I see people posting that doing these fasts are good for insulin sensitivity and weight loss. So how would I start and what would I do with my insulin regime. Right now I'm on 24 units of lantus at night and 1:8g carb for units of humalog.
  11. Hobbit

    Should insulin users have fasting blood tests?

    I just had to cancel a blood test for my diabetic check up, and when I asked to rebook it I was told by the receptionist that insulin users shouldn't even be having fasting tests. Is that right? I could swear I've had a fasting test since I went on insulin.