faecal transplant

  1. M

    Dark Underbelly of Metformin - A Saga...

    * Fair Warning * If you are very easily offended and squeamish about descriptions of medication side effects or bodily fluids, it's probably best to skip this post, you have been warned... Outside of my comfort zone but very tired of saying "I'm fine" through gritted teeth and forced smiles, I...
  2. Northerner

    Fecal transplants: The 'super-donor' phenomenon

    Fecal transplants have become routine treatment for nasty recurrent diarrheal infections, but trials for other conditions have hit a bum note. Now, scientists have re-examined the evidence. Time and again, they found one donor whose stool was substantially more likely to lead to clinical...
  3. Northerner

    ‘Poo transplants’ for gut bacteria being researched for wider NHS use

    Faecal microbiota transplants, or FMT, are being given to people with c-diff infections when antibiotics have failed. Now this treatment is being regulated as a ‘medicine’ by the government. https://www.channel4.com/news/poo-transplants-for-gut-bacteria-being-researched-for-wider-nhs-use