eye problem

  1. P

    Background retinopathy

    I am type 2 and been diagnosed approx 8 years, take metformin, sitigliptin and dapagliflozin. For the past 4 years my Hba1c has been stable at 57 every year, my BP is perfect (take ramipril) and on my last check about 7 months ago my cholesterol was within a good range. I've just had my results...
  2. S

    Fluorescein Angiography?

    I have diabetic retinopathy. I have been told they’re going to be doing a Fluorescein Angiography because my eyes are still blurry when they shouldn’t be. They said that if they find nothing that means there’s nothing they can do. Does that mean I will be going blind no matter what? Or will I...
  3. DeathBySpaghetti

    Do you lose your sight eventually with diabetic retinopathy?

    No one has actually told me a proper answer. Just a simple yes or no would be sufficient, but I understand that it’s not as easy as that. But it would be great to hear from people who actually have it and not some doctor/consultant who has only ever done research about the disease. So yes or...
  4. K

    Diabetic retinopathey and vision help

    Hi all, First post and I am looking for a bit of advice as I cannot seem to find any good advice on the internet so I will turn to the experience of others. I have severe diabetic retinopathy and my vision is generally ok. However, I am starting to struggle at work with the PCs and making...
  5. E

    Pregnancy and retinopathy

    Hi all. I’m diabetic type 1 and have been for 17 years. My partner and I have been on the fence with having kids because of health problems (more than just diabetes unfortunately). Back in feb 2022, my eye consultant said my retinopathy was getting bad. He said between 2 months - 2 years I...
  6. H


    Hello! I've had type 1 diabetes for over 20 years now but only just joined here, don't know why I didn't think of it before! Was told at the hospital today that I need laser treatment in both my eyes, and that this can damage peripheral vision to the extent it may prevent me driving. This was...
  7. S

    Hi and a quick question about eyesight.

    Hi, I'm Stu. Was diagnosed as type one on Friday - I just assumed I was abit run down from a music festival and that a weekend of resting would put me back on my feet to go to work on Monday. Apparently not. Looking back over the last few weeks I can see the symptoms slowing happening...

    Eyes playing up !

    Hi there, Any of you had this problem . Any idea what's going on ? I was very recently diagnosed as type 2 diabetic ( on 29/4/17 ) I am 49 and slim. When I was admitted to hospital it was because I had explained to my father ( who's a type 2 on insulin ) that recently I'd been feeling thirsty...