
  1. D

    Night sweats and weight loss.

    My father developed T1D 8 years ago in his early 60s. Doctors never found what triggered it. For the past couple of years he's had worsening night sweats and weight loss. Doctors have been testing for cancers including lymphoma, but is this actually just poor diabetes management? He's always...
  2. D

    First Post

    Hi all! I’m 29 and have been diagnosed T1 nearly four years (after a couple years of tests and doc visits where I wasn’t listened and made to feel dramatic, and ended up with a dead pancreas.. fun). Still winging it, still hate it, still feeling like I have no life from constant exhaustion. Been...
  3. B

    When you have to wait a long time to see your Doctor

    I am 51 year old male, Type 2 Diabetes for 7 years. As of late and I have never been through anything like this before as my exhaustion levels have reached a point where I can longer function or work. Over the last month and inspite of eating a lot more healthier I just get worse and worse...
  4. L

    Brain fog related to carbs?

    Been reading about brain fog and how this could be related to having high levels of blood glucose in your body, making you tired, sluggish and very difficult to motivate yourself into doing anything. Realising now, that my carbs levels are quite high and that I should have more fruit and veg...
  5. L

    Type 2 (advanced?) - Thoughts/Advice Please

    Hello, I am contacting on behalf of my Dad, who is Type 2. He is 59 years old and his sugars are constantly 15 or more despite multiple medications and strict adherence to the diet. They were even that way after 24 hours of fasting for a gastroscopy and then again for a colonoscopy. He takes...