
  1. D

    First Post

    Hi all! I’m 29 and have been diagnosed T1 nearly four years (after a couple years of tests and doc visits where I wasn’t listened and made to feel dramatic, and ended up with a dead pancreas.. fun). Still winging it, still hate it, still feeling like I have no life from constant exhaustion. Been...
  2. B

    Glucose Management for Exercise using Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) and Intermittently Scanned CGM (isCGM) Systems in Type 1 Diabetes

  3. V

    Best exercise to burn belly fat and get muscle at home

    I need help as I am fat and can’t go to my gym anymore because of this stupid covid-19 virus and I used to frequently exercise but I cannot now. I can’t buy equipment online as the delivery time is too ridiculously long to deliver. Someone please just give me a straight forward answer for a type...
  4. V

    Best way to get a flat stomach

    I am in urgent need of diabetic advice as I exercise 3 hours a day and do 20-30 minutes cardio, by running on a cross training machine, and also walking 2 miles to my gym and back and walking my dog first thing in the morning and in evening; I do plenty of muscle exercises as well especially ab...