
  1. Silent Sands

    Epilepy medication and blood sugars

    My doctor put me on Lamotrigine a couple of weeks back and by BG has just risen no matter what I eat (Medium portion) or the insulin I inject. (Basal - Humulin I, Bolus - Humulin S). The BG has risen to 12 - 15 after a meal, and it stays there.
  2. Northerner

    Home Office looks at allowing cannabis oil prescription for epileptic boy

    The Home Office has said it will “carefully consider” allowing a 12-year-old boy to be prescribed cannabis oil after he was admitted to hospital with “life-threatening” seizures following the confiscation of his supply. Billy Caldwell had his anti-epileptic medicine confiscated at Heathrow...
  3. Northerner

    Medicinal cannabis: Health Minister signs licence for Ava Barry

    The Irish minister for health has signed a licence for a seven-year old from County Cork to access medicinal cannabis. Ava Barry suffers from a severe form of epilepsy known as Dravet syndrome. On Tuesday, Simon Harris told the Dáil (Irish Parliament) he could not comment on individual cases...