
  1. F

    Regular runner now struggling to exercise

    My GP advised I was pre diabetic (46 hba1c) and my blood glucose levels (started checking) / thirst / tiredness confirm this. I’ve been losing weight these last three weeks since the news steadily following a low carb intermittent fasting approach, but I’m really struggling with the cardio that...
  2. Lady_Serenity

    Aftermath of a High Sugar Day

    I had a high sugar day yesterday due to a family birthday party. I was trying to be good what I ate and drank, but it was more than my normal amount. Today I feel sick and just want to sleep. I have no energy and feel like I have ran in to a brick wall. Apart from a lot of carbs, I had one...
  3. Kevin Hart

    Diabetes and CBD Oil

    Hi, let me point out first that CBD oil does not help diabetes directly but in other ways it surely will. Since I started taking CBD oil !) I energy has risen by a large amount , I now power walk up to 1 1/2 miles per day 2) My lethargy has disappeared completely so do not find anything a chore...
  4. Pet70

    8-day Trek - How do I get my energy?

    I am Type 2 and in control through diet and exercise only. I am going on an 8-day trek a remote region of the Caucasus. Whilst the remoteness doesn't really bother me, I am slightly worried about long days of walking and keeping up my energy levels, as I can't eat high-energy snacks. Do any of...
  5. O

    Hi, I'm Jenny

    I've been a type 1 insulin controlled diabetic since I was 3 1/2 years old, almost 42 years. I recently had an interview about fostering 2 young children that I know, aged 6 and 3. The child services didn't ask about my control or average blood sugar levels at all. They just seemed to focus in...