
  1. N

    Empagliflozin Side Effects

    Hi all, I am looking for some advice on the above and hope that someone can help. I started taking Empagliflozin (10mg) on the 25th July and since that time have been plagued with terrible pain, bloating, wind and loose stool. I have spoken with my GP practice about this and they are adamant...
  2. N

    High cholesterol, starting on Empagliflozin and pondering LCHF diet!

    Hey folks! I wonder if you can perhaps provide some advice through maybe your own experiences or knowledge that you might have. I'm a long-time Type 2 diabetic with insulin assistance, taking Metformin twice a day. I'm quite overweight (over 22 stone) and recent blood tests have shown that my...
  3. Northerner

    Empagliflozin Potentially Protects Pancreatic Beta-cells in T1DM

    The results of a new study on potential effects of empagliflozin for type 1 diabetes indicate empagliflozin may play a role in preserving beta cell regeneration and improving blood glucose control in type 1 diabetes patients. Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a disease state that represents 5-10% of...