eating out

  1. ColinUK

    Carb Manager & eating out

    I’ve downloaded, and started to use, Carb Manager to track food intake with the intention of heading towards a low carb, moderate fat approach rather than full on keto. The frustrating thing is that already I’m, em, frustrated at the lack of options available when out and about and in need of...
  2. F

    Newcastle Diet Break Advice Please

    Hi all, I'm hoping someone can give me advice on coming partially coming off Newcastle for a day or so without ruining the good work. I've been on Newcastle for a week now using a combination of Keediet meals and asda shakes. I've lost 6kg in my first week and for now am feeling comfortable...
  3. S

    Post hyper libre2 temporary fail

    hello! I’m about 2 months into my Type 2 journey. Seeking to control with food intake changes alone. My HBA1C at diagnosis were 51 and 49 two weeks later. Having being finger pricking 7 times a day (before meal/2hrs after + bedtime) I finally got the confidence to try a freestyle libre. I’m one...
  4. T

    RESTAURANTS! WHERE’S THE CARB INFO!? (Newly diagnosed Type 1)

    WHERE CAN I EAT AND REQUEST CARB INFO ON THE MENU? Hi there my fellow diabetics, So I was recently diagnosed as type 1, and have been put on the “advanced diabetes” course as I’m now carb counting my meals and snacks. I’m getting the hang of it but it gets harder when you go out to...