
  1. Northerner

    DWED - Diabetics With Eating Disorders

    A very interesting page of 'frequently asked questions' about the charity, its work and the different terms used :) Well worth a look :) http://dwed.org.uk/about-us-faq/
  2. Northerner

    Diabetic Women 'Skip Insulin To Lose Weight'

    Relatives of an anorexic woman who died after missing insulin jabs to lose weight say sufferers only get help when it is too late. The lack of treatment on offer for diabetics who also suffer from eating disorders is a "national scandal", campaigners have warned. Research suggests women who...
  3. Northerner

    ‘Diabulimia’ Signals Trouble in Type 1 Diabetes

    Sara was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at 11 years of age. She successfully managed the condition until age 15 years when, body conscious and worried that she was overweight, she discovered a secret after accidently skipping her insulin: She lost weight. So began her struggle with...
  4. Northerner

    Diabulimia: One of the most lethal of eating disorders

    Kerri Hatch's life is run by alarms. They tell her when to eat, when to take her myriad of medicines, when to check her glucose and when to give herself insulin. Life wasn't always like this for the now 44-year-old. When Kerri was 29, she learned she had Type 1 Diabetes, the type usually...