• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.


  1. D

    Just moved from SA to UK, how hard is it going to be to get approved to drive?

    Im 26 years old and just moved to the UK from South Africa. I’m about to do my license exchange and fill out the forms, will be submitting the Diab1 form with that application to notify DVLA of my condition. Just checking what info they’ll need to check. Apologising for all the questions in...
  2. T

    Medical review driver declaration postal address?

    Hi everyone, I've received a "medical review driving licence acceptance - driver declaration" form from the DVLA. It says to fill it in and return it with my current licence in the envelope provided. Except...I wasn't provided with an envelope. Presumably I can send it in any old envelope but I...
  3. A


    Hello, I am looking for advice please, I was diagnosed T2 in Dec 21 and I use Metformin (down from 4 to 2 a day), my stats are improving (lifestyle) and I am not at risk of hypos etc. Eyesight and other tests are all satisfactory. I have just purchased a new 3.85 tonne rated motorhome and I...
  4. A

    DVLA Medical Licence revoked due to no fault of my own.

    Anyone else had issues with DVLA Medical License? I sent off my paperwork with driving license as requested by DVLA on the 07th August to receive a “You must not drive” letter and be told My license has been revoked due to not receiving correct paperwork on 2nd of September. I rang DVLA and...
  5. J

    Has anybody had VEGF inhibitor/Eylea instead of Laser for Retinopathy?

    Hi All, I have proliferative Retinopathy and over the last 15 years have had a lot of pan retinal photocoagulation (PRP aka "Laser") to both eyes. I have passed the visual field tests and been able to keep my driving licence. Recently I had a new retinal bleed in one eye and have been referred...
  6. L

    How long will DVLA take to process a med declaration?

    Hi all, I have posted my medical declaration off confirming my type 1 diabetes diagnosis. I drive for work and their insurers need to the DVLA's confirmation before they will insure me. I spoke with the DVLA and they confirmed it could take up to 3 weeks to get the declaration on the system...
  7. D

    ‘We need more information and support about driving rules when you have diabetes’

    Hello everyone! Do you know your rights when it comes to driving and diabetes? Why does it make a difference, what do you have to tell the DVLA about and when, what blood sugar level can you drive at, what happens if you drive for a living and can’t anymore, and who can help support you with...
  8. I

    Toe amputation

    Hello, I recently had my right little toe amputated. I have been told by my podiatrist that I can now drive. Do I need to report this to my car insurer and the DVLA. I have read the section on the DVLA website regarding limb amputations. I assume this does not apply to single toes but I'm...
  9. S

    Car Insurance, HELP!

    Hi Everyone! I was just wonder how much people roughly pay on there car insurance for the for the first year? I'm taking up my driving lessons again this week and I'm saving up to buy a car and praying I can save enough to pay the insurance off it as well:rolleyes:. Only looking at getting a...
  10. Northerner

    'Major failings' in DVLA medical fitness to drive cases

    The Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) is not making fair decisions about medical fitness-to-drive cases, a report has suggested. It said people's lives had been put on hold for years because of flawed decision-making and poor communication. The Parliamentary and Health Service...
  11. Chris Hobson

    How unusual am I?

    I asked this question as a sort of aside on a post about my dealings with the DVLA. I'm posting this question on the sporty forum because I think that it is the most likely place to find a positive answer. I discovered that I was diabetic in May 2013 at the age of 54 after being admitted to...
  12. Chris Hobson

    Trouble with the DVLA form.

    First the Good news. I was diagnosed as a type 1 in May 2013, at the age of 54, and put on insulin. I took all the medical advice very seriously. I modified my diet, which wasn't too bad to begin with but had rather to much beer and chocolate in it. I took up swimming and cycling again and...
  13. phil hammond

    Switching from tablet to Insulin

    Hi, I have been advised to switch from tablet to insulin, I hold a PCV License, I have a small amount of time to think about it, has anyone been successful and how long did the process take. I always was told that, once on insulin professional licence would be revoked. Thank you in advance.
  14. Northerner

    DVLA Consultation Survey

    DVLA, the organisation responsible for driving licenses, is running a consultation about their new Motoring Services Strategy: 2016 – 2020. You can view the draft strategy and the full consultation documents here...