
  1. Ralph-YK

    Diabetes Review - positive

    Had review today. Supportive and positive. Yay. Been trying to tell them needed more from them. Then: "How much cake have you been eating?" o_O:rolleyes::oops: HbA1c, from February: 47. Up 1.
  2. LorraineP

    My DSN has just told me to accept erratic BG results!

    I’m actually quite distressed about this. I’ve had erratic BG results for the past few years with HbA1C’s ranging from 8.2 to 10. Very high for an obsessive blood tester. So I recently bought a Freestyle Libre to get a better insight of my BG trends and I got a pump 3 months ago in the hope that...
  3. Diabetes UK

    Call for Evidence: Help us improve Diabetes Care

    Hello everyone, This is a call for anyone living with diabetes, who or who has experienced diabetes care as a parent of a child living with diabetes. If you have some free time, we are looking for help to share your experience of Diabetes Care in order to improve services. The Diabetes UK...
  4. Ralph-YK

    Different GP practice

    I've changed GP practice. Put the form in week ago last Friday. Got to see the diabetic nurse (practice nurse, had been Diabetic Specialist Nurse before) last Friday. I'm optimistic. Of course we didn't have time for everything. I think she'd have been less supportive of self testing. Except...
  5. Ralph-YK

    Nurse appointment, HbA1c

    Had appointment with nurse at GPs today. HbA1c is 48. Up from Januray. December 2014: 64 (diagnoses, big infection) March 2015: 55 August 2015: 47 January 2016: 46 The appointment was better than the others, although didn't have time to discuss everything. She actually some things, like...