driving licence

  1. T

    Medical review driver declaration postal address?

    Hi everyone, I've received a "medical review driving licence acceptance - driver declaration" form from the DVLA. It says to fill it in and return it with my current licence in the envelope provided. Except...I wasn't provided with an envelope. Presumably I can send it in any old envelope but I...
  2. A


    Hello, I am looking for advice please, I was diagnosed T2 in Dec 21 and I use Metformin (down from 4 to 2 a day), my stats are improving (lifestyle) and I am not at risk of hypos etc. Eyesight and other tests are all satisfactory. I have just purchased a new 3.85 tonne rated motorhome and I...
  3. H


    Hello! I've had type 1 diabetes for over 20 years now but only just joined here, don't know why I didn't think of it before! Was told at the hospital today that I need laser treatment in both my eyes, and that this can damage peripheral vision to the extent it may prevent me driving. This was...
  4. M

    question about driving

    hey there ive recently submitted the dvla submission form for a provisional licence. i ticked the box that i had 2 (or more) hypos but i also ticked that i didnt need any assistance on any of those occasions. i was wondering if that would cause the licence to be revoked because apparently you're...
  5. Chris Hobson

    Trouble with the DVLA form.

    First the Good news. I was diagnosed as a type 1 in May 2013, at the age of 54, and put on insulin. I took all the medical advice very seriously. I modified my diet, which wasn't too bad to begin with but had rather to much beer and chocolate in it. I took up swimming and cycling again and...