
  1. T

    New diagnosis for partner

    Hi there! My fiancé has recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and we’re finding negotiating foods and drinks hard. He is waiting on an appointment with the diabetic nurse but right now we need some help on figuring some minor things out. We’re unsure how much carbs he can have etc. If...
  2. Xen

    Morning drink ideas

    Hi, I'm recently diagnosed Type 2, and am adjusting OK but am struggling to think of a replacement for my morning glass of orange juice - it really helped me remember to take my AM medication, with having a glass of juice a day. What does everyone drink in the morning? Thanks X
  3. L

    Squashes, with no added sugar?

    Is it okay to drink squash? Keep reading that you should avoid sugary drinks and I do drink a lot of squash in one day. Is that acceptable? With no added sugar or are the normal squashes, without any added sugar, okay? Are they just referring to coca cola etc..?