• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.


  1. T

    KETONES & FLU ! New lessons learnt

    Hi all, Merry Christmas! Hope everyone is having a fabulous time this festive season. ( Type 1 diabetic for reference ) In usual style, I fell ill last week ( always do in the run up to Christmas Day ). It started with feeling run down and a bit of a sore throat, so I got an early night...
  2. S

    Post DKA

    Hey everyone, I got out of hospital last night due to DKA and been throwing up every meal I have. Both my blood sugars and ketones are normal range but been really sick. What should I do? Should I contact my diabetes nurse?
  3. s14ali

    Have you had high ketone but blood glucose is normal regularly?

    This is very odd one. (relates to my previous post but new question) I used a blood ketone monitor for the first time (brand new), it revealed between 2.0mmol/L and 3.6mmol/L. (Very risky) I used a blood glucose monitor, it revealed between 6.0mmol/L and 8.0mmol/L (normal range) I felt fine as...
  4. J

    DKA and libre

    Hi all.. My question is about libre... And if I can get it from my GP.. Who are utterly useless haha Due to my GPs failings I was hospitalised with DKA for 3 weeks and nearly died. I'm T2..what are my chances as 2-4 tests a day pin pricks are getting me down
  5. Carrie737

    Concerned daughter- help!

    Hi everyone, Sorry for the long post. My mum has type2 and on Monday woke up with a terrible pain in her stomach, she saw her GP who said she had Ketoacidosis and wanted her to go to the hospital. Mum is terrified of hospital and her GP said ok call me bk in 24hrs if your not any better. GP...
  6. T

    DKA and Type 1 diagnosis after Covid vaccine (particularly Moderna)?

    Hi everyone. This may be a long post, but my aim is to explain my situation and find out if others have experienced the same thing. I have reason to suspect my newly diagnosed Type 1 may be a result of the Moderna Covid booster vaccine I received last year and want to see if there’s pattern...
  7. T

    Denied lantus in custody

    After begging them to see the nurse in the police station I was finally seen she said my sugars were 29mmol which she thought was fine I told her I usually am between 4 - 8 and I’m going in to dka my mouth dried she said this was because i had alcohol and refused me insulin whilst angrily saying...
  8. A

    Newly diagnosed Type 1 gf, blurry eyes problem?

    Hi everyone my name is Andy, I've been living with Type 2 diabetes for a couple years and managed to just about put it in remission for now, but i have a question regarding my partner? She was admitted into hospital last friday with DKA and is currently being treated as a type 1 diabetic, when...
  9. A

    New to type 1 diabetes

    Hi all, I have recently been diagnosed with type 1 and I have started monitoring my blood glucose levels and I am taking a set amount of insulin every day. I’m concerned as my blood glucose levels have been rising over the last 2 days and my latest reading tonight was 18mmol/L. The thought that...
  10. NealSawyer


    Howdy I am Neal Sawyer. I am a newly diagnosed Type One Diabetic. It is in the gene pool but at the age of 35, I thought I'd dodged the bullet. Unfortunately, it caught me and got me in the end and it did so with an act of great vengeance in the form of a DKA. I'm still in the first few weeks...
  11. L

    Hi, looking for more guidance please.

    Hi everyone. I have been a diabetic for 13 years now. I am the worst diabetic ever and am trying so hard to make a change. 5 years ago I became disabled due to DKA and various other infections that came along with the DKA issue. I really am trying but I feel like I am climbing up an endless...
  12. Northerner

    Belfast schoolgirl almost dies of diabetic condition

    The family of a 15-year-old Co Antrim girl who could have died after being stricken by a dangerous diabetic condition are calling for more awareness over the threat posed by the disease. Alex McKnight's mum Gayle Doherty (36) thought her sporty, otherwise healthy daughter, was simply suffering...
  13. Northerner

    DKA hospital admission trend study released

    Hospital admission trends for diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes in England have been examined as part of a cohort study. In the previous two decades the number of adults being admitted to hospital with DKA has increased and associated healthcare performance did not...
  14. Goher

    DKA in pregnancy research - your input and support please

    Researchers from the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, University of Oxford, are planning a research project looking at Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) in people with diabetes during pregnancy. The team, lead by Prof. Marian Knight, really need input from people who have diabetes (any type) who...
  15. C

    Diabetic Neuropathy - Advice needed!

    Hi all, I'm new to this site, so hope this is the right board to be posting on! So, a little backstory: I'm Charley, I turn 23 on Thursday, and I've had T1 Diabetes since I was 9 months old. I had good control, and no issues until I turned 11/12 and was sent to boarding school and took on the...
  16. L

    Newly diagnosed type 1 saying hello!

    Hello everyone. Just a message to say hello and tell my story if you've got time to read :) I was on holiday in Tenerife with my dad beginning of July when I realised things had got a bit strange..I was drinking ALL the time, peeing ALL the time, getting lethargic for no reason when I'm a very...
  17. Sam90

    Type 1 Diabetic - new here!

    Hey, I'm a type 1 diabetic and have been for 19 years. I was diagnosed when I was 7 years old, and I am now 26. One month ago I had a really bad case of diabetic ketoacidosis, my first time, which is what made me want to start to really look after my health instead of being in denial about it...
  18. Type1mommy

    Ketones again!!

    I have ketones in my urine again but this time only ++ (4mmol) an high blood sugar. I also have piles which are causing blood loss (don't know if it has anything to do with my blood sugars or ketones). At what point do I seek medical help? GP is closed until morning otherwise I'd call them. Is...
  19. G

    Nursing home can't seem to manage my mum's diabetes

    My mother has been a type 1 diabetic for 65 years and as a result has gradually accumulated a number of complications including a degree of vascular dementia and so can no longer manage her condition herself. She was admitted to hospital in March as the result of a fall and a UTI and high blood...
  20. Northerner

    Everest Community Academy Blake Cook died after missing insulin injections inquest heard

    A BASINGSTOKE teenager died of a severe lack of insulin in his body after suffering from a stomach bug and missing his injections for diabetes, an inquest heard. Blake Cook, from Popley, was rushed to Basingstoke hospital by ambulance on February 25, 2015 but paramedics and doctors were unable...