
  1. M

    Beaten down bloody broken bloated, but not dead yet

    At breaking point with NHS "healthcare" bods having meetings about me without my involvement, many pressing personal problems pushing me backwards into old behaviours of comfort eating, fallen off wagon on "weight management, diabetes management" front, have tried to talk to friends and family...
  2. M

    Human Rights Day 2023 - Dignity Freedom Equality & Justice For All

    10th December 2023 marks the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10th December 1948, alongside the UN Convention on Genocide signed on 9th December 1948 in the aftermath of World War 2. United Nations Human Rights...
  3. J

    Discrimination at work? Need advice please

    Hello I am new here. I am type 1 diabetic, have been since 2 years old. Fairly well controlled as a whole. Sorry this is long and may not be in the right thread. Worked with currently employer for 5 years and they have been aware of diabetes from the start. Unfortunately I had a crash in a...
  4. Neal Higham

    NHS Discrimination of type 2

    Good afternoon all :) I have been type 2 for around 2 years now and find more and more evidence of discrimination between the 'really ill' type 1 group and the 'self inflicted' type 2 group. A great example of this is the availability and guidelines around CGM technology. All of the guidelines...
  5. G

    Type 1 and employment discrimination

    Hi all I’m wondering if anyone can offer any advice or support? I have been a type 1 diabetic since the age of 7 (am now 29) and have always tried to work a normal and healthy life. However after having Diabetes for 22 years does unfortunately have an effect on your health, and as a result...