diabetic retinopathy

  1. S

    Fluorescein Angiography?

    I have diabetic retinopathy. I have been told they’re going to be doing a Fluorescein Angiography because my eyes are still blurry when they shouldn’t be. They said that if they find nothing that means there’s nothing they can do. Does that mean I will be going blind no matter what? Or will I...
  2. DeathBySpaghetti

    Do you lose your sight eventually with diabetic retinopathy?

    No one has actually told me a proper answer. Just a simple yes or no would be sufficient, but I understand that it’s not as easy as that. But it would be great to hear from people who actually have it and not some doctor/consultant who has only ever done research about the disease. So yes or...
  3. Depressed_Boy_Skelly


    I had a dietician a year or two ago, but she went on maternity leave. She is the only one in the diabetes clinic who has knowledge of my bowel condition. There is no other one around that has that knowledge of it as it’s a rare condition. I need a dietician, at least until she comes back in...
  4. H

    Blurriness in eyes/floaters

    I have diabetic retinopathy was diagnosed a few years ago now. I managed to put my diabetes in remission but after a really bad time became diabetic type 2 again. I had blood sugar levels of 11.4 which have come down to 6.4 so now considered prediabetic. The nurse said because of the drastic...
  5. S

    Diabetic Retinopathy

    Hi, Had an eye check last week and been sent an urgent referral "both Eyes R2M1P0". Does anyone know what those mean? thx in advance